Who is Megan's Munchkins Daycare & Preschool?
Established in 1995, Megan's Munchkins has provided a high quality environment and engaging learning and play for our munchkins. Hands-on activities are a must for all children to learn to engage in their world as they prepare to enter their journey through school.
Miss Megan ~ owner & teacher Miss Megan began working with for 35 years, and never looked back. She knew teaching was her God given calling and gift. Children naturally love her nurturing and fun personality. She values quality, age appropriate education. She homeschools her own children and values quality learning for all ages.
Miss Marrisha~ Director Assistant & teacher. Miss Marrisha has been working with children for 10 years. She loves what she does! She is currently a Psychology major and is focused on early childhood. Her long term goal is to help children who need to believe they can be there best.
Miss Madeline~ teacher Miss Madeline, loves working with our munchkins. She is a natural and a favorite of everyone's. When she is not in school or in daycare, she enjoys community service projects, babysitting for church families, dancing and reading. Her high energy is an asset to Megan's Munchkins. Her favorite part of the day is story-time. She sits down and the munchkins swarm her with favorite books and want to sit and help her read.
Family owned and operated
Megan's Munchkins opened in 1994, these three amazing young women have helped Miss Megan nurture, teach and love children over the past 20+ years. Some people are meant to work in an office but our family have been called to teaching young children. Hard work and heart is the key to Megan's Munchkins success.